GROUP 47 - Music Video 2008/9: Feedback from post

Friday 12 September 2008

Feedback from post

We pitched three ideas, firstly the one on the multiple personality disorder, then we picthed an idea about a Celebrity. In this pitch we explain the story of how she was a famous singer, loved the the public. Until one day it all goes wrong when the genral public turn against her and she is hated. This ruins her life and she falls apart. Our third pitch was based around a girl losing someone close to her. Through this story she wouldnt be able to cope with the loss and starts to go crazy.

Nicolas gave us good feedback an dhelped us to determine in our peice that we will incorporate all three or possible just two of the pitches. Nicolas was not to keen on the idea of a dead person within the video. Therefore at this moment in time we are planning to work on a story based around a famous singer who has everything until it all goes wrong and then you see the insane side of her come out! This way all ideas have been used and make a realistic and interesting story. Its realistic due to the likes of Amy Winehouse and Britany Spears!



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