GROUP 47 - Music Video 2008/9: Final Pitch / shot list

Monday 15 September 2008

Final Pitch / shot list

Opening scene:

In a white room, sitting on the floor looking down. Then start singing towards the camera.
It doesn't feel right
The lights are too bright
I'm feeling uptight in my sensual world

The next scene is of a fan, running into her room, slamming the door and ripping down the poster of the celebrity.
I need to be you
I need to breathe too
I need to see through life

Then back to the celebrity on the floor before the start of the chorus,
"With these sensitive words"

Then we will show flashing images of the paparazzi.
I could blame it on you
I could blame it on my instincts

Then back to the white room start at a distance angle then zoom in towards her arms, with all the bruises and cuts, as she holds her arm whilst a tear drops onto her arm. As she shakes from withdrawal symptoms.
I could blame it on the train to the plane
The boat to the shore
So tell me what's the answer

The next part will be of a bill board with the celebrity's face on stating when her world tour starts, and how its coming soon.
No trouble in my face
There's not one anxious voice

Then we will be back in the white room where she is starting to go crazy and holds her ears to stop the noises.
I can't listen
You say that you are everything
Do you taste good
So c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

Then we will show her fame of her walking down the street being chased by the paparazzi and showing that she loves it, All happy and over the top.
No air around me
I need to feel free
I'm private property
In my sensual world

The next section will be of newspaper cuttings of Breaking news, showing that she has done something wrong!
No indecisions
I have a vision
There's no collision there
With these sensitive words



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